a brief excerpt

"If the Church's worship is faithful, it will eventually be subversive of the culture surrounding it, for God's truth transforms the lives of those nurtured by it"

- Marva Dawn

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What are we to make of Christ?

‘What are we to make of Christ?’ There is no question of what we can make of Him, it I entirely a question of what he intends to make of us. You must accept or reject the story.
The things He says are very different from what any other teacher said. Others say, ‘This is the truth about the universe. This is the way you ought to go’, but He says, I am the Truth, and the Way, and the Life.’ He says ‘ No man can reach absolute reality, except through Me. Try to retain your own life and you will be inevitably ruined. Give yourself away and you will be saved.’ He says, ‘If you are ashamed of Me, if, when you hear this call, you turn the other way, I also look the other way when I come again as God without disguise. If anything whatever is keeping you from God and from Me, whatever it is, throw it away. If it is your eye, pull it out. If it is your hand, cut it off. If you put yourself first you will be last. Come to Me everyone who is carrying a heavy load, I will set that right. Your sins, all of them, are wiped out, I can do that. I am Re-birth, I am Life. Eat Me, drink Me, I am your Food. And finally, do not be afraid, I have overcome the whole Universe.’ That is the issue.

- C.S. Lewis

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Some Redeemer memories (pictures)

Curling!! - that's me sweeping in the background!!

Chris and myself, with part of the Redeemer mascotte.

Campus Visit Day, this was on St. Patrick's Day (Sarah's birthday)

After a random Redeemer hockey game

Robyn's birthday - and no Gavin is not hammered.

Trine and Liz, wearing Matt's and my jackets after banquet.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Back at RUC (story so far)

I was going to write an average little updat on my life, however while I was listening to my Memories playlist, several songs came by that made me realize how much had changed since I left Holland on July 26th 2005.

I would like to therefore take this opportunity to kind of share my journey that brought me here. Being raised in a Christian family with a Canadian mother who met a Canadian Dutch father in Holland, Canada was a part of me from my early years on. As a result of that I spend many of my summers in Ontario with my family that lived and still lives there. In 2000 my father past away after fighting cancer for several years. This switched my life and the life of my family around completely. Luckily God blessed me with a group of friends that really helped and supported me. In 2001 my middle brother went to Calvin college, he loved it. This was one of the things that got me thinking about leaving for a College in Canada to. However, I was only in my 2nd year if high school and there were still some years left. When my oldest brother got married I became the only one left in my house besides my mom. This change turned out to be harder than anticipated. In several years 3 of the 5 people that I had lived with all my life were not there anymore.

After 5 years of high school which is normal in Holland, I decided to go to college in Holland for one year. I really wanted to go to Redeemer, however, I was 17 and felt that waiting for another year could not hurt. However, I missed my high school environment, I was in a new place and my attitude was set on leaving the Netherlands and going to Canada. This resulted that in April 2005 I was already trying to disconnect from all my friends in Holland. I was trying to leave quite and not be a bother to anyone, I was afraid it would hurt to much. In may 2005 exactly one year to the date ago, I saw Redeemer for the first time. The day before my brother had graduated from Calvin College and on the way back to Barrie where all my family lives we stopped at Redeemer. The same Korean church weekend that was going on last year is going on again this weekend, and now I am serving them lunch.

It was also in that may of 2005, that my mom made me realized that I was trying to disconnect from my friends, she made me realize that this was not good for me and not just towards them. The last to months that I spent in Holland were truly great. I was anticipating going to Redeemer all the time, however, it did not get in the way of spending time with friends and family. I left Holland on July 26th, I came a bit early, I guess to prepare going to Redeemer.

Now Redeemer has changed my life, actually God has changed my life through Redeemer. I have written many stories already about the great times I have had at Redeemer. Nevertheless, the main difference Redeemer has made for me, it has managed to let me fully use my talents and gifts that have been given to me by God’s grace. Throughout my first year at Redeemer, there was a point around February where people (you know who you are) were a bit worried that I would have some sort of a burn out or break down. Although, I really appreciated this thought and concern, being at Redeemer has given me a new force. Most of the changes that have happened since I have left Holland have been very positive. God has given me a drive for him and his kingdom, and at the moment I know that he is providing for me, he has showed me how to open my eyes and to see his work, love, people, creation and power in a new light. And that can keep me going for a very long time.

Now don’t get me wrong, I miss Holland! I would love to be able to spend time there again and just be around friends, family (my oldest brother and his wife still live there), culture and congregation. However, I can only praise God for the blessing in my life. To God be the glory now and forever, Amen.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Fiddler on the Roof

After a few beautiful days of sunshine, warm weather, reading books at the beach, etc. Today is very rainy, and while I am writing this post, I am watching a classic; Fiddler on the Roof. It is a 3 hour movie an I am at 2 hours and 8 minutes right now. And I think I am really enjoying it. Of course the movie is about 35 years old, and you kind of have to be in to the musical type of movies, but it is a good watch.

So I have been done with my first year Redeemer for 2 weeks now. and it has been great being able to not have to worry about essays, finals and assignments. All of last week my brother and his wife were here, it was really good to see them again after 10 months. All week long we went from here to there all week long, concluding in a day in Toronto on friday. I have really fallen in love with that city over the last year. In the summer I went there with my cousin, in the fall I went there for the Toronto Missions Trip, and several times throughout the year I have made short stops there for several reasons. I think I can say for sure after all these years that I enjoy living in cities. Don't get me wrong, I love being outside and out of urban areas, however, There are some cities that have my heart, Toronto being one of them. So that friday night we also went to the Blue Jays game, which the Jays won 13-3 against the Angels. I love high scoring games!

As I briefly mentioned, the first few days of this week I have really been enjoying the beautiful weather, everydayI biked to the lake and enjoyed the sun, read some books and just walked around and enjoyed life. It is great to be a bit lazy at the moment. I don't start working until next week friday, that's when I'll be heading to Redeemer for 5 weeks to work for Food Services once again. When all that is over I'll go home to Barrie for a week and than I'll start working at Scott Missions Camp for the rest of the summer.

But, know I am going to give my full attention to the Fiddler on the Roof once more, because the movie is done in 30 minutes. I hope all of you have been enjoying your summer so far.

God bless, Willem
Back to the Fiddler!