Sola fide - the doctrine of justification - the idea that we are justified by faith alone. We are made right with God by our faith not by our actions. I think it is something I have assumed for a long time. I don't think I have thought about it to much though. Being raised in the Calvinistic tradition it is perhaps something that is often just assumed. Dr. Payton made me think about this again... these thoughts are mainly his or at least by inspired by his words.
Romans 3: 21-24 tells us "But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." This being made right with God is through faith in Christ. Through faith alone, not through deeds because we all no matter how good fall short to God. However, being justified through faith alone does not mean that we can sit on our lazy bums. It is not a one time, and now we are good for life commitment.
Yes, only by faith we are justified. However, faith is not something that stand on its own, it can't. Without the body of believers nourishing our faith, without being challenged in our faith, our faith stands alone. When it stands alone is cannot be living. Faith in Christ is not an one-time thing, it is something that changes over the span of our life. We sin and get raised again with Christ, we fall down and get picked up by His love that we can see in the body of believes. If this, our faith, is this one time commitment it is dead. We run the danger of becoming a mouse in a cooke jar, to steal an idea from Soren Kierkegaard. All around us are Christians who have made a faith commitment, and their faith might be alive, but they are all around us, and so we assume we are also a Christian whose faith is alive. However, we need to be aware that our surroundings don't determine where we think our faith is at. Perhaps my faith is not something living, and I am just someone trusting on the idea of justification throug faith.
To me being safe in a Christian environment is a huge encouragement, however, within my heritage we run the risk of thinking we are cookies. Whether it is in our church, school, or work communties our faith should not be lazy, it should spur us to a more active life rooted in Christ and the faith we have received by His grace.
Word 101.5 FM interview
1 day ago
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