a brief excerpt

"If the Church's worship is faithful, it will eventually be subversive of the culture surrounding it, for God's truth transforms the lives of those nurtured by it"

- Marva Dawn

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Heading back home

Well tomorrow I get to go to Holland again. The last time I was their was in the morning of July 26th, 2005. I remember my mother and my good friend Bas driving me to the airport as we were having discussions about the role of the United States in world politics and wars. Tomorrow another good friend of mine will be driving me to the airport, this time Joy Johnson is driving me and I am flying from Buffalo, through Washington, to Amsterdam. I can't wait!

I have been at Redeemer for 3 semesters now, and it has been and still is probably one of the greatest blessings that I have witnessed in my life. However, the last semeseter was harder for me than my first two in first year. Besides overcommiting to certain activities, spriritually and emotionally this semester has been very draining. Finding the drive to do all my homework, keep close knit relations with all my friends, being there for Rachel and people in my dorm, and mainly devoting time to God. It has all proven kind of challenging this semester. But, I know God has big plans. Tomorrow I get to go back home, well I get to go back to one of my homes.

18 years of my life, home was Holland, more specifically Ede, my schools, and the church there. Last year my home got taken away, well I took it away. Going to Redeemer and Canada, gave me two new homes, Barrie where my mom and family is, and Redeemer itself. However, nowhere really felt or still feels like my home. But, tomorrow I have the feeling I am coming home, and that is not specifically Holland or Ede. It is taking a break from the earthly things that have kept me busy, returning to friends, enjoying the blessings in my life, and mostly God.

Yes, I am quite excited and ready to go "home".

Friday, December 01, 2006

TIme flies..

It has been a little while since I have last let people know what has been happening in my life. And since I can't get to the text I need for my sociology assignment, I am writing this update.


November has proved itself to be a great month. The beginning of November was mainly devoted to writing midterms and assignments, now school has moved on to paper season. Yesterday at midnight my political science term paper was due, and I finished writing it at 10:30 in the morning. At 4pm it was time to do a bit of editing, to hand in the paper at the library right after that. However, it is clear that nothing goes as planned, I spend the next 2 hours trying to recover my paper, after WordPerfect, made it a lot less perfect. Nevertheless, in the end I was able to hand in my paper.

Strange News

Squirrels, you know the little animals, depicted pretty and lovely in fairy tails and cartoons, known as terrorists and fried food at Redeemer. Last weekend a squirrel came into the transformer and put down power on all of campus. Even though I wasn't there for the evacuation, sleeping in hotels and pizza. Which I think is sad, because it would have been fun. I want to pay tribute to the squirrel that changed Redeemer's fall semester of 2006.


Well,last weekend the Go Transit system took me to Barrie for the weekend, this weekend the VanMarum family van, will take me to Sarnia to celebrate Rachel's birthday, which is tomorrow. Barrie was very relaxing for Rachel and I, long nights of sleep, the Timothy Christian School bazaar, a mall trip turned 8km walk on the most beautifull saturday if the month, and a really refreshing sermon in church on sunday. This weekend looks to be fun as well, it's a birthday party after all.

The Motherland

My trip to the Netherlands is still planned for December the 21st, after visiting Jeroen and Jacq for a bit, I'll be heading to Ede for most of the time, I can't wait to see all the family and friends, many of whom I have not seen in 1,5 years. As for all of you that live in Holland, my unofficial trading company is still operating, I can take any food, gift, or animal to Holland this Chirstmas. Maybe, the animal is a bad idea, but let me know.

Closing remarks

It is crazy to see how quick time flies (as do pigs app, it feels like a couple weeks ago, that I was busy with all the First year introduction events. And now I only have one week of classes left!
I wish everybody a great week, and a jolly great december, seeing that I will probably see most of you in December, I'l say, see you later.. In Christ, Willem

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Politieke zaken

Yesterday the Dutch parliamentary 2nd chamber elections took place. See this article to get a pretty good idea of where Dutch politics are at. I got to vote online this year, it is an experiment from the federal governmenr, and according to me saves considerable time and money. The Christian union under leadership of Andre Rouvoet doubled in seats and is now at 6 seats in the 2nd chamber. First indications are that the Christian union might be involved in a three-fold coalition government. With the Christian democrats, the labour party and the Christian union who together would hold a mojority of 79 of the 150 seats. However, negotiating on this matter will prove itself to be very hard due to differences between the Christian democrats and the labour party.

Friday, November 10, 2006


A few things about prayer.

Pray without ceasing

The 24-7 prayer room will be open for the rest of the semester, feel free to use it whenever you want, if you want to be sure of a spot sign up for a slot.

If you ever have any prayer requests, post it on this prayer blog, it is a blog for prayer in the Redeemer community, feel free to add your prayers.

The last month there was a focus on prayer within Redeemer, from chapel, 24-7 prayer, CITB, Leadership dinner to the fall entreat God told us about praying through many different people.

I would like to leave you with this piece of scripture:
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. - Mark 11:24

Pitching Tents

Steve showed me this one, I am posting it though... Poor pastor.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Biblical names

Everybody in my dorm has a biblical name, I don't...

Steve - Stephen
Ben - Benjamin
James - James
Nathan - Nathanial
Josh - Joshua
Matt - Matthew
Peter - Peter

Willem - ....

So Karen Shields decided to give me a biblical name.. - Barnabas

So from now on, please refer to me as Barnabas.

(That's Barnabas)

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Impressions from SMC 2006

The Barn at night, heart of the SMC community, that's where the food is!

My favourite twins Dallis and Brook-lynn and Figi in the middleThe climbing wall on top of the hill....
The SMC 2006 teamThe Caledon hills, my home for 2 months
My horrible camper, however, you learn to love every camper deep down in your heart, especially this guy.Singing "we love you campers, deep down in our hears" after another week of camp

Reading break / 24-7 prayer

I love reading break weekend, especially this year! Thanks to all Christian school teachers who fill up Redeemer, so that we have to leave. Last year I was working for Food Services during reading break, making 1000 subs, it was quite the challenge... This year I went to Sarnia with Rachel to meet the rest of her family and see her hometown, it was quite the challenge... However, I loved it! My reading break was awesome, it was good to finally be able to spend some time with Rachel again, to meet her sisters, other family, etc.

The weekend was really relaxing and I am ready for school once again! Yeserday 24-7 prayer started. It is super exciting to see what God is going to do. How people just go in and pray for an hour straight and they wonder where their time has gone. It is awesome to see that only spots on saturday and sunday are left open at the moment. And I am sure they will fill up.

Well, I'd better get back to some school work.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


It just feels like on of those times that updating my blog feels like the natural thing to do. Today, was a good day! I was mainly busying with studying for my midterm and finishing my essay in Sociology 241 Crime and Deviance. However, other events included buying a ticket for Tom and Sarah's stag and doe, having coffee in the morning with Rachel, reading a few blogs, and having the weekly prayer meeting with Church in the Box prayer team.

The weekend was a pleasant one, especially the saturday. In the morning my roommate Steve and I went fishing with Dean Schat, this was something I bought at the hobbies for hiltop auction last year. After an intense morning of wrestling with 30 pound fish (we didn't get even a nibble), we went back to Redeemer. I went to Toronto with Rachel for the rest of the day, she had no clue were we wer going I of course did. We had a great day, talking, walking, laughing and whatever else you do during a day like that.

Us in a small park within the Sheraton hotel.
Sunset as seen from the CN tower, I had not been up there since I was 8 or something like that. (those are not UFO's they are reflections of light bulbs inside the CN tower)

The weekend past and monday came into being. When I entered the school just after 11am in the morning, I was curious to see what the business was all about. It was the annual book give away, and I greatly expanded my collection. Among the books I got was the three part "common grace" series in Dutch (Gemeene gratie) bij Abraham Kuyper (in great condition, from 1988), three other Kuyper books, the autobiography of Malcolm X, the Democratization of American Christianity, and some other books. It was a very pleasant suprise.

Now it is time to do some reading, God bless, Willem

Friday, October 13, 2006

Willem needs

I think I don't have to explain this post, but I will anyways. I typed in "Willem needs" on google, and this is apparently what I need. I mean if Katrina can put it on her blog, so can I! So without further ado the 10 things Willem needs.

Willem needs another session (what for? I feel quite sane)
Willem needs help from SARA with running (Well, I am not an excelled sprinter, but Sara can come by anytime)
Willem needs her help rescuing the child of a vampire he has been guarding (That is just creepy)
Willem needs you (Yah, I need you!!)
Willem needs to get out in the world and realize what he has at home (Love you mom!)
Willem needs glasses (I have some already, but google is right, I think they might break soon)
Willem needs to have his face smacked in with a German English dictionary (Well, that is a concerning image)
Willem needs his coffee, d*mm*t! he needs it with sugar and creamer! (It is true that is how I drink my coffee)
Willem needs to renew his passport anyway (True again, my Dutch passport expires in December
Willem needs to take him in the back room and have THE talk with him . . . you know the one about " you never say this to a woman " talk (Ya, I guess I need to have that talk with someone, maybe with my roommate Steve)

In today's news

Check out this news article.

It was about the plane that flew into a luxury apartment complex in New York yesterday. A former Toronto Blue Jays and now New York Yankees pitcher, flew the plane into this building. What I found very interesting, scary and a whole lot of other feelings I can't describe is the fact that fighter jets were sent to patrol the skies over numerous North American cities. Including, Ottawa, New York, LA, Seattle and Washington DC.

I don't really know why it caught my attention, I don't really know what I think about it yet...

midterms, soccer,events

Well, this week was kind of crazy. First of all I think that Redeemer should never ever do another monday schedule on Tuesday. That out a lot of unnecessary pressure on things, such as my studying for my biology midterm. To be quite honest, I did not feel very prepared coming in to that midterm on wednesday, neither did the majority of the class. Luckily, it went a bit better than expected, and I am actually not that scared about it.

I am also still in anticipation about voter registration for the coming Dutch elections in November. Registration was due on October 10, I sent it on October 2nd, but it had to go through the Dutch embessay and everything, (bureaucracy!?). What I did get in my mailbox on wednesday was my ticket to the Netherlands. I was so excited and definately not expecting that yet.

Today the indoor soccer leauge I am involved in got started. We played 2 games already, the first game we lost 3-0, however, it was a good game. The 2nd game we wer all over the other team and we won 5-0. Eli Perrof was on fire, he scored several and assisted to. I think I got an assist in as well.

Afterwards it was a quick rush to be in time for Hot Spot, Nathan and I came in a bit late, but it was still an awesome time of worship! Tomorrow is friday, should be a good day.

That's about it for now. In Christ, Willem

Monday, October 09, 2006

Back to Holland!

July 26, 2005 I left Holland for Redeemer.

December 21, 2006 I will return and I will arrive in the morning of the 22nd.

In other words, I am visiting Holland for 2 weeks!! I'll be there from the 22nd - 3rd!

Lot's of people to visit, lot's of things to do. Hopefully I'll have enough time.

I am excited.

My flight there is Buffalo - Washington DC - Amsterdam
My flight back is Amsterdam - New York JFK - Buffalo

I'm so excited! (that's the 2nd time I said that)

If there are any request for shipment, Willem's unofficial business is know open. This works both ways of course. From Canada to Holland, and from Holland to Canada. I can't take very large amounts because I am going throught th US... The customs there think they are tough ( I agree with them)

Well, let's write a paper.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Psalm 103

We have so much to be thankful for. Today this Psalm was mentioned twice to me, by completely different people, in completely different places. It is a Psalm that fits with thanksgiving.

The words in bold print in the first 5 verses can be asked as question, try to think of them that way, verse 6 gives us the answer.

Psalm 103

Of David.
1 Praise the LORD, O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

2 Praise the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits-

3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,

4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,

5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

6 The LORD works righteousness
and justice for all the oppressed.

7 He made known his ways to Moses,
his deeds to the people of Israel:

8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.

9 He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;

10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.

11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;

12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

13 As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;

14 for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust.

15 As for man, his days are like grass,
he flourishes like a flower of the field;

16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers it no more.

17 But from everlasting to everlasting
the LORD's love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children's children-

18 with those who keep his covenant
and remember to obey his precepts.

19 The LORD has established his throne in heaven,
and his kingdom rules over all.

20 Praise the LORD, you his angels,
you mighty ones who do his bidding,
who obey his word.

21 Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts,
you his servants who do his will.

22 Praise the LORD, all his works
everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the LORD, O my soul.


Dutch Culture

Sometimes I find it hard to bring over an experience that I had in Holland, something unique from my culture, that is something different than droppies. This TV show, however, is something I can shar, because it is in English. Enjoy. (I am not a fan of Jerry Springer at all, but this is funny)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Short headlines

I am excited about the indoor soccer league that is going to start the thursday after thanksgiving. Today our team came together and we had a practice, it was awesome. So beware of the red team, we will come up with a better name.

Also, the weekend was good, friday night I went to the girls soccer game, the men's volleyball game, and the hockey game. A good night of Athletics I would say. And saturday after an awesome day of ATeam training, political science research (see Academic news) Josh Vyn, Matt Young, Liz Kikkert and I went to Kikkert's place for some episodes of the office and some hot-tubbing

In other news, I most likely will be returning to my home nation for a short visit (2 weeks) I am so excited! It will probably be a visit from the 21st of December - Januari 3rd

Today, was also the day that I sent away my voters application to the embassy in Ottawa, I should be on time, to be able to vote for the upcoming Dutch elections, if it goes through I will be voting online!

In Academic news, today was the day that I handed in my topic and bibliography for my Politcal Science 225 class: American Government. Tomorrow the Research question for my Sociology 241: Crime and Deviance class, any ideas?

That's it for now, God bless and good night.

Monday, September 25, 2006


The end of last week was beautiful, it was a great weekend. It started on thursday evening, Starfield entered town. On their beauty in the broken tour the Hamilton stop was Redeemer University College, formeit was a completely new experience, because I got to help out a bit, selling merchandise, breaking down after the concert and of course the concert itself. The night was a big highlight, it was just an awesome oppertunity for the Redeemer community and the surrounding community to come out and worship. Besides the main band Starfield, Drew Brown and speaker David Nassar made the night an awesome time. It was awesome to see after the show how nice and friendly these guys were, they helped clean up their own mess, and they were just up for a fun time.


When bedtime came around, and Friday came along, I was once again rally excited about the night, this night would be Blue Jays game # 4 for me this season, after the bus was really late, and we did not arrive until the 1st inning had ended, we could finally sit down and relax. The game was not a great one, we lost 7-1, but it was a fun night, and the very expensive fries, were really good!

Blue Jays

Once again, bedtime came around, and when I woke up reall early on saturday, it was time for CrossCulture. If I am notmistaking close to 200 people (students, youth groups, random individuals and others) cam for a day of service and worship. We met early in the morning at Hamilton place, after praying and registration the day started with some worship after which everybody went to about 20 different work sites to serve others. Together with Matt Brandsma and Jessica we went to Little Bethel Baptist Church and to Philpott Memorial Church for SISO. Most of the day we were busy moving stuff around and just offering our hands, oh yeah and this car almost hit us. When I went home in the afternoon I was dead tired after some sleeping, showering and eating. I went to the Ancaster fair with Monika, Jenessa, Julianne, Matt Vanmarum and Rachel we went to the fair for the demo-derby, this was highly succesful, I mean rainy. We went back and played spoons at dorm 31.


It was time to go to bed once again, sunday morning I went to Fellowship, the service was really good, it is really cool to see the church alive for God. And from 3pm on it was Church in the Box that took most of my attention. Yesterday, was the first service of the year. The theme for the service was, "This is your Life, are you who you wan't to be?" This is the title of a switchfoot song, and God really used Pastor John Vanderstoep to bring across the message. Who do we want to be? The big man on campus, or the guy who ones the BMW and the big wallet (...?) in 25 years. Or do we want to be the one who dwells in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 27:4). He gave us that challenge. We settle for such little joy nowadays, God is offering us a place in his House, and we too often choose for the little earthly things.

Church in the Box

When all that was done, and after spending some time with friends, Rachel, God, and other people my weekend was done. I went back to bde once again. When I woke up, I realized that school was kicking in again. So, let's get back to work.

God bless, Willem

Monday, September 18, 2006

Net Worth

I found this article in the Spectator this morning. I am so happy to have a newspaper again..

Net worth reaches $142,900 per person


The Canadian Press
OTTAWA (Sep 18, 2006)

Statistics Canada reports that national net worth reached $4.7 trillion by the end of the second quarter, or $142,900 per person. Rising residential real estate costs accounted for about two thirds of the increase. But gains in household net worth stalled- recording the lowest growth rate in seven quarters.

There was also reduced values in corporate shares and mutual funds.

Now I wonder, could I take some money out of that "account" to pay my tuition... I will pay it back later

Sunday, September 17, 2006


One of the best blogs on the internet (according to me) provided me with this cartoon, I found it was in good relationship to what is happening coming saturday. What is that? You might ask. Well as posted before CrossCulture is happening for the second time here in Hamilton. It seems like God is preparing the city for some awesome time of worship through service. Worship as a lifestyle you could say. So, if you have not signed up yet do it now!

source: cartoonchurch.com

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dorm 36 goals

To get a picture of our upstairs bathroom in the yearbook!
- we are decorating it to the fullest!

To go over to all of 3rd paring lot for dinner
- and bring our famous apple crisp

To be involved in every club at Redeemer
- I think we don't have tea-kwando and Redeemer for Life yet

To have an awesome year full of memories
- That won't be a problem

To put the Academic building on a hill and have a slip and slide down to the dorms
- Awesome idea Josh!!!

Get cable TV (or disguise a satelite dish as a lawn gnome)
- Good luck Matt

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

God's plan

Someone once really forced the line "let go, let God" on me. Until this week that line was pretty specific to that one situation and I did not see it in any other part of my life. However, God brought me back for another year here at Redeemer, and I got to let go and let God take over. My first week at Redeemer this year is about halfway through, and it has been a whirlwind of excitement, events, activities and people. This whirlwind, however, is very tiering. Between running activities, going to meetings, work that is about start, syllabi that show great amounts of work that have to be done, finding time for God! and spending time with friends.

Maybe I am doing to much

Maybe I should learn to say no

Maybe I am not giving God enough of my time

Maybe I should let go and let God take the lead

Maybe I should not be involved in some of the things I am invloved in

Maybe it is time to "be still and know that I am God"

Don't get me wrong, God has already given me so much since I have been nack at Redeemer, and I am loving the fact that I am back here at Redeemer. These questions I just asked could probably all be answered with yes. However, I think there is more to that, I know that God has given me some special gifts, that I can use to further His kingdom. And I am probably involved in these events for a reason. God will teach me something new, He will provide. Why am I writing all of this than, I would appreciate if you could remember me in your prayers. When at the end of this summer a prayer team of the Scott Mission prayed for me, God gave me a promise for this year, his prayer gave me the energy and passion I needed. Prayer works!! Therefore, I would appreciate the prayer.

Also I want to thank so many people that have already spoken words of encouragement to me in recent days, people that have already said that they will keep me in their prayers and people that have just encouraged me with being around and taking care of me. Thanks be to God. In Christ, Willem

Friday, September 01, 2006

It just takes away my breath...

A great feeling...

...being back at Redeemer
...seeing all those familiar smiling faces
...completely changing my sleeping pattern (again)

...having my room all set up for the coming year
...being back in this community
...hearing peoples stories of the summer
...preparing for next week
...being with friends
...being ready for God's plans for the coming year

It just makes me want to smile!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Disney's reaction to the demotion of Pluto

In reaction to news today that Pluto was demoted to the status of "dwarf planet," the Seven Dwarfs issued their own short statement:

"Although we think it's DOPEY that Pluto has been downgraded to a dwarf planet, which has made some people GRUMPY and others just SLEEPY, we are not BASHFUL in saying we would be HAPPY if Disney's Pluto would join us as an 8th dwarf. We think this is just what the DOC ordered and is nothing to SNEEZE at."

As Mickey Mouse's faithful companion, Pluto made his debut in 1930 – the same year that scientists discovered what they believed was a ninth planet.

Said a white-gloved, yellow-shoed source close to Disney's top dog, "I think the whole thing is goofy. Pluto has never been interested in astronomy before, other than maybe an occasional howl at the moon."

(A not from Willem - a very smart way for Disney to get free publicity and be in the news in a very positive way, also do schools have to revise all their textbooks now??)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Giving to the poor

In the passage where the New Testament says that everyone must work, it gives us a reason'in order that he may have something to give to those in need'. Charity- giving to the poor - is an essential part of Christian morality: in the frightening parable of the sheep and the goats it seems to be the point on which everything turns. Some people nowadays say that charity ought to be unnecessary and that instead of giving to the poor we ought to be producing a societyin which there were no poor to give to. they may be quite right in saying that we ought to produce that kind of society. But if anyone thinks that, as a consequence, you can stop giving in the meantime, then he has parted company with all Christian morality. I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. In other words if our expenditure on comforts, luxuries, amusements, etc., is up to the standerd common among those with the same income as our own, we are probably giving away to little. If our charities do not at all pinch or hamper us, I should say they are to small.

- C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


For several days now, I have been wondering what to do with my lack of recent blogging. Even though I knew the answer was start blogging again, I didn't really do that. However, I now have found an insperation, my writer's block has vanished. I am listening to Andrea Bocelli, the perfect music to just sit back and write. What about I do not know yet. I have the option to become highly philosophical orI can what has happened recently in my life.

To be original I will start with the last one. Last saturday I finished my work at Scott Mission Camp (SMC). Seven weeks long I lived on a beautiful property in the Caledon hills. After one week of pre-camp 6 camp sessions followed. After session 1-4 I was certain that even though the challenge was great, I would not return to camp. I was exhausted and sometimes camp just got too much. However, I had to go back for 2 more weeks, first youthweek and than another normal session (session 5).

to large amounts of marijuana. This meant that for the rest of the week there were only 4 campers in my cabin, which was a true blessing from God. During normal weeks we as counsellors prepare devotions and try to get discussion going between everyone in the cabin. However, since we only had 4 campers we gave each camper the oppertunity to share their own testimony and questions. It was really encouraging to see that all these 4 young men (they were all 17 or almost 17) had some form of trust in God. Defining this past that point seemed a greater challenge though. However, God really spoke through us as counsellors and the hunger that these guys had for Christ in their life was fed tThe youth session was absolutely amazing, insteas of about 100 7-14 year old kids there were about 80 14-17 year old kids. The atmosphere was completely different than normal sessions to. Where normally I have to really by on my campers and make them do simple stuff, this week was way more relaxing. Nevertheless, the week started of a bit roughly, the first night 3 of the campers in my cabin got sent home, actually the police took them away, they all had brought stuff on to camp property that was not allowed. This "stuff" ranged from knives and ligher fluido a certain, extend. God let us plant many seeds, seeds that maybe one day will be sowed by the grace of God. My last week at camp was also much better than the weeks before, my cabin was a blessing and God really gave me the strength and patience to enjoy every moment of it.

Here a picture of the Scott Mission Camp grounds (sorry, it is very small!, hopefully you can still see the beauty)

Thus SMC '06 came to an end. On saturday morning, Heather picked me up and we headed to the Joshua House near Cambridge for an absolutely great retreat. 7 people from the church in the box team came together, and we discussed and talked about our heading for the coming year. The amount of work we got done was amazing, and the talks, relaxing, food and worship were all blessings that made the weekend complete. Monday I came home. I am now in Barrie to the end of my summer break. Which is one week from now, on the 30th I go back to start my 2nd year of Redeemer. The way it looks now, it is going to be an action packed year, in which God will hopefully really play the central role on campus and in our lives. When I made a short stop at Redeemer on the weekend to visit Rachel it was made obvious that a lot still needs to happen before school starts (we have no roads at the moment). But, last year we lasted without an entire library for a ful semester, it can't be that bad! Well, for all you Redeemerites I hope to see you soon (very soon). For everybody else, I also hope that I see you soon to.

God bless, Willem

I guess there are no deep philosophical thougths in this post, maybe later.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Hamilton Place Studio Theatre, Redeemer U/C


September 23rd, 2006; 9 am - 7 pm


worship through service, service through worship.

Crossculture was born out of a few individuals who were challenged by God to really think big in making a difference in their community. The vision was to have a full day of service in the Hamilton community in order to bless the city in which we live, and to give visible and tangible expression to Christ's love for the city. Last April 1st, this vision culminated in 103 students giving up their day to worship and serve the community.

Check out the http://www.myspace.com/crossculture905">Cross Culture MySpace, including the CH News video clip filmed last April.

This is an event not to be missed: for sign-up or more information, contact Matt Pamplin at mpampli@redeemer.on.ca, or (905) 648-2131 ext. 4289

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Well, life just keeps on going. Before I knew that I had started my job at SMC, I only have 2 weeks left. The coming week is youthweek and should bring some completely new challenges. The last week have been filled with many challenges that varied from dealing with broken families, breaking up fights, very very bad language, disrepect for women, disrepect for God, trying to be a strong example of a Christian, trying to stay energized with a lack of sleep, being a sort of a father figure for some campers. However, my weeks are also filled with, awesome devotions, learning to dunk, great food, leading campers to Christ, challenging campers during devotions, finally making a breakthrough with a certain camper, scoring amazing goals in soccer, doing a high ropes course, meeting new people, making new friends, I could go on for a long time.

Yes, God is providing in my life. Only 26 days from now I am returning to Redeemer. And after about a week of planning and meeting, my second year will finally start. I have in recent days aquired 3 new things that should make my life at Redeemer even more comfortable. Just before I left for SMC, I picked up a cheap bike at a garage sale (oh yah!) On friday I bought myself a MP3 player. I finally gave in to the rage (see picture) 6GB and it is alrady half filled 2 days later. And today I picked up a free BBQ that was standing lonely on a nearby street, so know this everybody DORM 36 now has a BBQ to go with their porch out back!

(My new addition to my personal gear, I feel a bit greedy buying something like that, but it is pretty cool)

Well that is it for know, God bless, Willem

Thursday, July 27, 2006

1 and 1

So, exactly one year and one day ago, I left the Netherlands and changed countries. My time in Canada has been very blessed, times with family, people at Redeemer, and God's plans for my summer are all part of the reason why this has been and still is such a blessing.
Today I am also halfway through my employment at SMC. It has been a really different experience, God is teaching me a lot, about His word, our mission and so many other aspects of life. In the weekends I am really tired, but it is really worth it, living on SMC property is some sort of new separate reality. Being away from the busy world is an amazing, but sometimes difficult thing. Therefore, also my apologies if contact with me has been very rare over the last 4 weeks. Saturday Session 3 is done again. And for me there will only be 3 sessions left. I ask that you would continue to pray for me and for all the other people at SMC, because God is doing miracles here. In a later part I will share some testimonies about everything here.

God bless, Willem

Sunday, July 16, 2006


My blog (actually my blog template) was down for the last couple of weeks, I don't know exactly what all happened, but at least it is now running again. It is kind of too bad that my old template is gone because I really liked it, but this will do.

Two weeks ago on monday July 2nd I left for Scott Missions Camp (SMC). The first 5 days there would consist out of some intense training. I was happy there was going to be training, because I felt really unprepared. It was a week in which I met many many new people, and I really experienced encouragement through them. However, this was not yet camp, it was pre-camp! So, after I went back to Ancaster for the weekend, Monday I travelled to 502 Spadina Ave. in Toronto, to take the camp bus with the kids, the camp bus that would take me to the Scott Mission Camp property where I had completed my training (near Caledon).

My first week was a challenge, my co-counsellor (Rufio) and I (Vader) where in charge of the Anderson cabin in our first week. We had 9 kids between the ages of 9-11. Even though they were sometimes called the "Terror-squad" and they did give us sme hard times, it was a blessing. It was great to be able to share the gospel with all these kids. All 96 kids at this camp come from low-income families, most of the families reside in Toronto, even thought there are also a few kids that came from Brampton, Missasauga, and even Hamilton.

All the kids at camp are between the age of 7 and 14, and many have already experienced stuff that I will never experience. But, as I was told during pre-camp it is so important not to judge them, they are all God's children, no matter how many rules they abolish, they deserve this break! Some of the best times were during our evening devotions, or the evening pool parties. The last night (Friday) we had a pool party instead of an evening game. In the midst of all the hot weather the cool pool was refreshing, and when the counsellors where called up to do a diving board show the campers were very entertained. Let's say that the Belly flop I did, was still felt 5 hours later went to bed.

So, camp is pretty rockin', I would appreciate it if you would pray for what is happening at SMC this summer, and that God's love may truly be felt in the lives of these children. I hope this will do for another week or so, because blogging at a camp with hardly any internet access is almost impossible.

God bless, Willem (Vader)

Friday, June 30, 2006

Blog changes

This blog has undergone some changes recently, these were not intended. All information, posts, links and other stuff are up again. However, the commenting option is not present at the time. I did not want to change my blog, but in my blog business I completely erased everything therefore, I had to start all over again. I'll try to add a way of commenting soon. Thanks for the patience. - Willem

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

coming and going

Today at 3:00 pm, the time to leave Ancaster has come. It was a good five weeks at Redeemer a bit boring sometimes, especially when I only had like 8 hours of work a week, but I should not complain. Tonight I am going to the TDCH graduation and tomorrow I am going to the WCHS graduation (cousins). Then I get to relax and chill for a few days at home and I start camp on sunday!! I'll come up with a higher quality post sometime before that. I guess the reason I haven'tn updated has to do with the Portugese ability to make a football match look like a WWF show. England better teach these theatric pretty boy's a lesson.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My Netherlands

This is the first map in hopefully a series of maps. It is a map titled my Netherlands, for all the people that still want to know where I am from this should give you an idea. Let me know what you think about it. (click to enlarge)

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Sometimes you need to start all over, begin at the beginnning. I am slowly figuring out why? I am slowly being tought why? It is not the strong on this earth that survive, it is the strong in the Lord God Almighty that will last forever. C.S. Lewis writes about nearness in likeness and approach to God. They often seem very alike, however, it can be very betraying. I think sometimes you reach a point were god is teaching you so much, where God is showing you so much, where God is loving you much, where God is working through you so much, that you kind of start to feel "godly". Your ways seem to be alike to those of God, and you think that you can make the difference by what God has tought you. This is where the betrayel is, you can not make the difference by what you have learned. Your nearness in likeness is not something that is godly, it might seem very impressive, it is however nothing more than you earthly desires that have surpassed your desire for God.

This is when you are not near in approach anymore you are just near in likeness. It is like standing on the edge of a cliff with the beach where you want to go right below you, however we can not descend the cliff, we must take a detour. That detour (approach) is the path that Jesus took for us, he became human and suffered trial and tribulation to return to his father. Being on that cliff we are so close to our destination (God) in likeness we are near, however we have a long way to go, we have to take the detour (approach) to get where we need to be. Are ways have to be like God, not our appearance. Sometimes we need to start all over again, we need to stand on top of that cliff and start taking the detour, instead of trying to stand so close to the edge, trying just to be more like God.

Let's take a detour, Jesus took quite the detour to come back home, he gave us the perfect example, in likeness he was the same as God, still he showed us how to be near to god in our approach. It is like practising that piece of music, that one move, that one jump, that one play, that one scene, we will keep on failing until we take the full detour.

Friday, June 09, 2006


cartoon from www.weblogcartoons.com

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

So today the world cuphas finally begun, maybe I should have not moved to Canada, it is surely a lot easier to follow the World Cup in Holland. I am however, still very excited about the world cup. It is fun to be able to share previous world cp experiences, to share your opinion about certain players, countries, cultures. It is a celebration.

Here are some examples of "Dutch soccer pride".

This is the Dutch embassy in Berlin. The orange lights become a light show during Holland games, the fans projected on the left side will leave the stans when Holland is not playing, and will cheer when Holland won!

This is the replica 2nd World War German army helmet that has been fitted to suit Dutch fans.

There is a good change that many fountains in Germans cities will turn orange, like every world cup Holland takes over the cities that they play in.

Oranje = Orange = Dutch = National colour = Dutch Pride

If you buy coffee, you get free flip flops that print "HUP Holland" in the sand (Go Holland).

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A random meeting

Mercy met Judgement

Righteousness met Sin

Light met Darkness

Humility met Pride

Love met Hate

Life met Death

A cursed One on a tree met The curse that originated from a tree

The sting of death met The antidaote of resurrection
- Dutch Sheets

Jesus interceded for us, He created a meeting, a meeting of reconciliation

Monday, June 05, 2006

My names

Your Hawaiian Name is:
Lono Kai

Your Monster Profile
Omega Butcher
You Feast On: Tofu
You Lurk Around In: Flocks of Freshmen
You Especially Like to Torment: Pop Stars

Your Italian Name Is...
Raul Greco

Your Hillbilly Name Is...
Billy Bob West
Hillbilly Name Generator

Your Japanese Name Is...
Souta Saionji

Your Irish Name Is...
Lugh Fitzpatrick

Your Superhero Profile
Your Superhero Name is The Aqua AlbinoYour Superpower is SolarYour Weakness is SailorsYour Weapon is Your Celestial SawYour Mode of Transportation is Canoe

Your Elf Name Is...
Ditzy Sweet Cheeks

Your French Name is:
Forest Foucaud

Your 1920's Name is:
Valentine Ardell

Wow! I never knew I had this many identities!

Friday, June 02, 2006

What am I up to?


Currently listening: Be Thou My Vision - Jars of Clay

Currently reading: Intercessory prayer - Dutch Sheets (what a name!!)

Currently employed by: Redeemer Food Services

Currently feeling: Very happy!

Currently living: 372 Springbrook Avenue, Ancaster

Currently loving: God, Family, Friends, Creation, Work, Reading (writing) abilities, Soccer, Hot Dog's (supper).

This is when pictures become hard. God bless, Willem

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What are we to make of Christ?

‘What are we to make of Christ?’ There is no question of what we can make of Him, it I entirely a question of what he intends to make of us. You must accept or reject the story.
The things He says are very different from what any other teacher said. Others say, ‘This is the truth about the universe. This is the way you ought to go’, but He says, I am the Truth, and the Way, and the Life.’ He says ‘ No man can reach absolute reality, except through Me. Try to retain your own life and you will be inevitably ruined. Give yourself away and you will be saved.’ He says, ‘If you are ashamed of Me, if, when you hear this call, you turn the other way, I also look the other way when I come again as God without disguise. If anything whatever is keeping you from God and from Me, whatever it is, throw it away. If it is your eye, pull it out. If it is your hand, cut it off. If you put yourself first you will be last. Come to Me everyone who is carrying a heavy load, I will set that right. Your sins, all of them, are wiped out, I can do that. I am Re-birth, I am Life. Eat Me, drink Me, I am your Food. And finally, do not be afraid, I have overcome the whole Universe.’ That is the issue.

- C.S. Lewis

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Some Redeemer memories (pictures)

Curling!! - that's me sweeping in the background!!

Chris and myself, with part of the Redeemer mascotte.

Campus Visit Day, this was on St. Patrick's Day (Sarah's birthday)

After a random Redeemer hockey game

Robyn's birthday - and no Gavin is not hammered.

Trine and Liz, wearing Matt's and my jackets after banquet.