Four jobs I have had:
@ Redeemer Food services (yes, I am the soup guy)
$ Hoogvliet Supermarket working in the produce section
% Working as a mover, host, and general task person for my old high school
# My first ever job delivering magazines
Four movies I could watch over and over:
@ Shawshank Redemption
$ Forest Gump
% Braveheart
# Cool Runnings
Four books I could read over and over:
@ Bible
$ God in the Alley
% the Harry Potter books
# any suggestions?
Places I have lived:
@ Alsmeer, the Netherlands (0-2)
$ Ede, the Netherlands moved twice within Ede (2-18)
% Barrie, Ontario (since this summer)
# Ancaster, Ontario (Redeemer)
Four Places I've been on Vacation:
@ Southern Ontario and surroundings about 10 times, kinda weird, it is now my home
$ Denmark
% Cheltenham, England
# Disneyland Paris, oh I am running out of space...
Websites I vist daily :
@ (soccer)
% tons of blogs... see blog links
# (news)
Four favorite foods:
@ Shoarma (Shawarma)
$ A mom cooked meal of salmon, fried patatoes and veggies
% home made pizza
# sheperds pie
Favorite alcoholic drinks:
@ Bailey's on ice
$ Wine (many sorts)
% Smirnoff Ice
# That's right no beer, I am not a big beer drinker
Four favorite non-alcoholic drinks:
@ Orange Juice
$ Sprite
% Water (ice cold or running water)
# Milkshake
Four favorite musicians:
@ Simon and Garfunkel
$ Jamie Cullum
% Article One (formerly Appartain display)
# Rod Stewart (it is so hard to choose)
Four places I'd rather be right now:
@ In my old church with all my friends from there
$ At a hockey game
% In our old store
# Chicago
Last 4 books I have read:
@ a few of the Narnia's
$ Some bible books
% God in the Alley
# Physical Geography chapter 19
Last 4 movies I have seen:
@ V for Vendetta
$ West Side Story
% Walk the Line
# Save the Last Dance
Thanks to Steve.
By the way drop by dorm 36 next year!
That is where Nathan, James, Evan, Josh, Peter, Matt, Steve and I will be living!!
Word 101.5 FM interview
1 day ago
Er is er één jarig, HOERA HOERA, dat kun je wel zien dat ben jij (en opa...)... VAN HARTE GEFELICIFLAPSTAART en dat je maar een ouwe zak mag worden, maar hee, je bent al hard op weg...! 19 Alweer... Ja, jongetje, nog één jaartje genieten van je tienerjaren, maar dat is aan jou wel toevertrouwd! We zullen je vanavond nog wel proberen te bellen, maar in ieder geval een fijne dag gewenst!
Dikke knuffel van Jeroen en Jacq
hey willem - book suggestion "Who Has Seen The Wind" WO Mitchell
and I am so excited to be living right next door to you again next year!
Even though I'm off campus next year, I'll be stopping by 36 :) Only if you make me an honourary member ;)
denise <><
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