a brief excerpt

"If the Church's worship is faithful, it will eventually be subversive of the culture surrounding it, for God's truth transforms the lives of those nurtured by it"

- Marva Dawn

Monday, September 25, 2006


The end of last week was beautiful, it was a great weekend. It started on thursday evening, Starfield entered town. On their beauty in the broken tour the Hamilton stop was Redeemer University College, formeit was a completely new experience, because I got to help out a bit, selling merchandise, breaking down after the concert and of course the concert itself. The night was a big highlight, it was just an awesome oppertunity for the Redeemer community and the surrounding community to come out and worship. Besides the main band Starfield, Drew Brown and speaker David Nassar made the night an awesome time. It was awesome to see after the show how nice and friendly these guys were, they helped clean up their own mess, and they were just up for a fun time.


When bedtime came around, and Friday came along, I was once again rally excited about the night, this night would be Blue Jays game # 4 for me this season, after the bus was really late, and we did not arrive until the 1st inning had ended, we could finally sit down and relax. The game was not a great one, we lost 7-1, but it was a fun night, and the very expensive fries, were really good!

Blue Jays

Once again, bedtime came around, and when I woke up reall early on saturday, it was time for CrossCulture. If I am notmistaking close to 200 people (students, youth groups, random individuals and others) cam for a day of service and worship. We met early in the morning at Hamilton place, after praying and registration the day started with some worship after which everybody went to about 20 different work sites to serve others. Together with Matt Brandsma and Jessica we went to Little Bethel Baptist Church and to Philpott Memorial Church for SISO. Most of the day we were busy moving stuff around and just offering our hands, oh yeah and this car almost hit us. When I went home in the afternoon I was dead tired after some sleeping, showering and eating. I went to the Ancaster fair with Monika, Jenessa, Julianne, Matt Vanmarum and Rachel we went to the fair for the demo-derby, this was highly succesful, I mean rainy. We went back and played spoons at dorm 31.


It was time to go to bed once again, sunday morning I went to Fellowship, the service was really good, it is really cool to see the church alive for God. And from 3pm on it was Church in the Box that took most of my attention. Yesterday, was the first service of the year. The theme for the service was, "This is your Life, are you who you wan't to be?" This is the title of a switchfoot song, and God really used Pastor John Vanderstoep to bring across the message. Who do we want to be? The big man on campus, or the guy who ones the BMW and the big wallet (...?) in 25 years. Or do we want to be the one who dwells in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 27:4). He gave us that challenge. We settle for such little joy nowadays, God is offering us a place in his House, and we too often choose for the little earthly things.

Church in the Box

When all that was done, and after spending some time with friends, Rachel, God, and other people my weekend was done. I went back to bde once again. When I woke up, I realized that school was kicking in again. So, let's get back to work.

God bless, Willem

Monday, September 18, 2006

Net Worth

I found this article in the Spectator this morning. I am so happy to have a newspaper again..

Net worth reaches $142,900 per person


The Canadian Press
OTTAWA (Sep 18, 2006)

Statistics Canada reports that national net worth reached $4.7 trillion by the end of the second quarter, or $142,900 per person. Rising residential real estate costs accounted for about two thirds of the increase. But gains in household net worth stalled- recording the lowest growth rate in seven quarters.

There was also reduced values in corporate shares and mutual funds.

Now I wonder, could I take some money out of that "account" to pay my tuition... I will pay it back later

Sunday, September 17, 2006


One of the best blogs on the internet (according to me) provided me with this cartoon, I found it was in good relationship to what is happening coming saturday. What is that? You might ask. Well as posted before CrossCulture is happening for the second time here in Hamilton. It seems like God is preparing the city for some awesome time of worship through service. Worship as a lifestyle you could say. So, if you have not signed up yet do it now!

source: cartoonchurch.com

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dorm 36 goals

To get a picture of our upstairs bathroom in the yearbook!
- we are decorating it to the fullest!

To go over to all of 3rd paring lot for dinner
- and bring our famous apple crisp

To be involved in every club at Redeemer
- I think we don't have tea-kwando and Redeemer for Life yet

To have an awesome year full of memories
- That won't be a problem

To put the Academic building on a hill and have a slip and slide down to the dorms
- Awesome idea Josh!!!

Get cable TV (or disguise a satelite dish as a lawn gnome)
- Good luck Matt

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

God's plan

Someone once really forced the line "let go, let God" on me. Until this week that line was pretty specific to that one situation and I did not see it in any other part of my life. However, God brought me back for another year here at Redeemer, and I got to let go and let God take over. My first week at Redeemer this year is about halfway through, and it has been a whirlwind of excitement, events, activities and people. This whirlwind, however, is very tiering. Between running activities, going to meetings, work that is about start, syllabi that show great amounts of work that have to be done, finding time for God! and spending time with friends.

Maybe I am doing to much

Maybe I should learn to say no

Maybe I am not giving God enough of my time

Maybe I should let go and let God take the lead

Maybe I should not be involved in some of the things I am invloved in

Maybe it is time to "be still and know that I am God"

Don't get me wrong, God has already given me so much since I have been nack at Redeemer, and I am loving the fact that I am back here at Redeemer. These questions I just asked could probably all be answered with yes. However, I think there is more to that, I know that God has given me some special gifts, that I can use to further His kingdom. And I am probably involved in these events for a reason. God will teach me something new, He will provide. Why am I writing all of this than, I would appreciate if you could remember me in your prayers. When at the end of this summer a prayer team of the Scott Mission prayed for me, God gave me a promise for this year, his prayer gave me the energy and passion I needed. Prayer works!! Therefore, I would appreciate the prayer.

Also I want to thank so many people that have already spoken words of encouragement to me in recent days, people that have already said that they will keep me in their prayers and people that have just encouraged me with being around and taking care of me. Thanks be to God. In Christ, Willem

Friday, September 01, 2006

It just takes away my breath...

A great feeling...

...being back at Redeemer
...seeing all those familiar smiling faces
...completely changing my sleeping pattern (again)

...having my room all set up for the coming year
...being back in this community
...hearing peoples stories of the summer
...preparing for next week
...being with friends
...being ready for God's plans for the coming year

It just makes me want to smile!