a brief excerpt

"If the Church's worship is faithful, it will eventually be subversive of the culture surrounding it, for God's truth transforms the lives of those nurtured by it"

- Marva Dawn

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

God's plan

Someone once really forced the line "let go, let God" on me. Until this week that line was pretty specific to that one situation and I did not see it in any other part of my life. However, God brought me back for another year here at Redeemer, and I got to let go and let God take over. My first week at Redeemer this year is about halfway through, and it has been a whirlwind of excitement, events, activities and people. This whirlwind, however, is very tiering. Between running activities, going to meetings, work that is about start, syllabi that show great amounts of work that have to be done, finding time for God! and spending time with friends.

Maybe I am doing to much

Maybe I should learn to say no

Maybe I am not giving God enough of my time

Maybe I should let go and let God take the lead

Maybe I should not be involved in some of the things I am invloved in

Maybe it is time to "be still and know that I am God"

Don't get me wrong, God has already given me so much since I have been nack at Redeemer, and I am loving the fact that I am back here at Redeemer. These questions I just asked could probably all be answered with yes. However, I think there is more to that, I know that God has given me some special gifts, that I can use to further His kingdom. And I am probably involved in these events for a reason. God will teach me something new, He will provide. Why am I writing all of this than, I would appreciate if you could remember me in your prayers. When at the end of this summer a prayer team of the Scott Mission prayed for me, God gave me a promise for this year, his prayer gave me the energy and passion I needed. Prayer works!! Therefore, I would appreciate the prayer.

Also I want to thank so many people that have already spoken words of encouragement to me in recent days, people that have already said that they will keep me in their prayers and people that have just encouraged me with being around and taking care of me. Thanks be to God. In Christ, Willem


Anonymous said...

He Willem,

zo das lang geleden, hoe gaat het met jou?? Je schrijft al als een geintegreerde canadees! Goed om te lezen dat je zoveel nadenkt over God etc. cool dat je dat gewoon in alle openheid zegt. Hoe gaat het met je studie en alle andere dingen die je bezig houden? Kom je nog een keer naar Nederland?

Ik wil je het aller beste wensen, liefs Hannah

Anonymous said...

Hi Willem,

Sterkte for the new year! You have a lot of talents and you will be given the strength you need. But make sure you get enough SLEEP and healthy food!
Love T. Gloria