a brief excerpt

"If the Church's worship is faithful, it will eventually be subversive of the culture surrounding it, for God's truth transforms the lives of those nurtured by it"

- Marva Dawn

Monday, May 07, 2007

Please come visit me

Well, I know that I am often far away from my family and friends in Holland and other people are far away from their family and friends. But, just come visit me, here are the directions, it is not that expensive. Although step 41 might take a bit of time, but that's all.


Eelco Martens said...

Heey vriend,

Helaas ben je ver weg en nog jammerder is dat ik niet even het vliegtuig kan pakken om je op te zoeken. begrijp me goed het kan wel maar er valt dan een hoop te regelen. Ik maak aankomende week een uitgebreide mail met hoe het met me gaat enzo, voor nu gods zegen!


Anonymous said...

WILLEM!! Here I come! Ik stap nu in het water...

liz said...

haha, i love it....just shows who your true friends really are - the ones who are brave enough swim across the Altantic with all the sharks, and whales, and other creatures at the bottom of the ocean - just to see you.

hope summer's going well :)

Unknown said...

He willem, stap 41 is duidelijk maar 42 "turn left at the large whale" is mij een iets te ruim begrip. Dat laat ik wel aan arjen over. Ik neem het vliegtuig wel.

Groetjes gerard

David Koyzis said...

Willem, I'm sorry you're so far from family in the Netherlands, but, if it's any comfort, there are many of us who are glad you are where you are at the moment. Have a wonderful summer, and we look forward to seeing you back at Redeemer in September.