a brief excerpt

"If the Church's worship is faithful, it will eventually be subversive of the culture surrounding it, for God's truth transforms the lives of those nurtured by it"

- Marva Dawn

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Reading break / 24-7 prayer

I love reading break weekend, especially this year! Thanks to all Christian school teachers who fill up Redeemer, so that we have to leave. Last year I was working for Food Services during reading break, making 1000 subs, it was quite the challenge... This year I went to Sarnia with Rachel to meet the rest of her family and see her hometown, it was quite the challenge... However, I loved it! My reading break was awesome, it was good to finally be able to spend some time with Rachel again, to meet her sisters, other family, etc.

The weekend was really relaxing and I am ready for school once again! Yeserday 24-7 prayer started. It is super exciting to see what God is going to do. How people just go in and pray for an hour straight and they wonder where their time has gone. It is awesome to see that only spots on saturday and sunday are left open at the moment. And I am sure they will fill up.

Well, I'd better get back to some school work.

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